Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Two posts in one day, I can't help it I am pumped! I am pumped because I went on a nice walk with EG this a.m. and it has had me up and running since 5:30! It is so nice and cool now in good old Famously Hot Columbia that we had to walk fast just to warm ourselves up!

I got home and started doing some laundry, you may not care to hear about my laundry but isn't it the little accomplishments in life that we should be thankful for. In China there were no dryers you had to hang all of your clothes and most washing machines were just one hole that spins AKA clothes destroyers. So being able to walk in and put my clothes (my precious clothes, the extensions of my personality) into the beautiful front-loading washer is thrilling and a note-worthy part of my day!

I made some coffee, I am not as enthused about this as I would normally be because I am used to a French press. I love the ritual of heating water with a kettle and pouring it over my coarsely ground beans. Waiting as it steeps then enjoying the flavors and burst it brings to my mornings. But alas I am using one of those one cup thing-a-madoodles- and I tell you again I am thankful for coffee at all bc in China it was not easy to come by-but I have unfortunately bought myself a disturbingly weak box of coffee. I can't really get behind a coffee that comes in a little pod that I don't get to see before it is brewed into my cup! Ahhh coffee cups, one of the simple pleasures of life. I collect them! I have loads of them in storage and had to leave my 10+ that I purchased in China, I only brought one home. The one that I think is prettiest also holds value as I bought it from a street vendor for 5 kuai on a trip to the city center with my dear friend David!

Anywho, after doing a little Internet reading- things of interest today are the links about bullying in schools how it needs to be addressed and stopped and the idea that gay is the new black and by that I mean that gay rights is the new civil rights movement and I think we need to GO BIG with it! Seriously I HATE intolerance. I appreciate everyone for who they are because I am able to be me because they are who they are. I think of someone who is afraid of what is different and unknown and love them for that fear because I am able to open up my heart even bigger for all that is different and unknown. I wish to learn about the differences and appreciate all the nuances of people and the world. I would never wish for everyone to be the same because how would we be able to do great things. I do wish that people would begin to see each other for what they truly are, people. I hope that with the new generation comes a tolerance and an acceptance of differences that we have never known the likes of. Hey maybe if we can finally accept each other on this planet other life forms will finally want to come visit us ;) Maybe they are just waiting bc they think if we can't even get along there is NO way we are going to be able to accept other life forms....or could we?

That was a weird/fun tangent I just went off on huh. Well I fixed myself a couple of eggs with some salsa and hot sauce, with a side of low-fat yogurt with a tablespoon of granola. And another cup of coffee...I was kind of hoping it would be better the second go is not! I am making sure to drink 2 cups of water for every cup of coffee, not really as a rule but just because. As a rule I drink as much water as I possibly can ALL DAY LONG!

OK so other advancements in my life. Last week I went to a lunch at my job SCYAP, a non-profit that works with "at-risk" youth throughout the state to provide them with a wide range of services. Their primary focus is therapeutic foster care, so needless to say they are an amazing company. Almost as soon as I walked in the door they asked me if I needed a job. Technically I have a job but who couldn't use more money right...AND I love this company and how it helps children. So I agreed. They just called to tell me I will start PT on Monday...HOLLA! So now I will be splitting my week as follows:

20 hours at SCYAP
20 hours at Creative Kids Toy Shop
2 days babysitting for the fabulous Ayla and Avery King
6 nights a week rehearsing for Reasons to be Pretty @ Trustus Theatre

BUSY but I tell you that is how I like it! I love doing! I will continue to work out in the a.m. before my "real day" begins. All this of course is going to be quite a bit of a juggling routine because I HAVE NO CAR. Let's face it the public transportation system in Columbia leaves MUCH to be desired! But I have friends and family and will hopefully be able to work it all out without annoying EVERYONE in my life. I promise to repay all of those who help me out with lots of love laughs and glitter. Glitter is awesome and everyone needs more glitter in their lives!

On that note I am heading off, the ding of the dryer is calling me. I think I will go hope on the stationary bike for a bit before heading into work...did I tell you I work at a toy store, I mean seriously could it be better for me, don't think so!!!

So remember love others even those different from you because by being different they help shape who you are, the beautiful being that is you!!



  1. Absolutely wonderful post! This is better than coffee to get me in a good mood to carry through the day! Well done, Sum.

  2. i love stories, glitter and toy stores- please keep em comin!
