Monday, October 25, 2010

As I am!

Ok so let’s talk about what happened this weekend. Well number 1 important thing being that Reasons to be Pretty FINALLY opened on Friday night. It went well, I think. And by that I mean post-show we dressed up and headed out! We went to Art Bar for Friday night dance party USA and to catch the end of Alternicirque’s last outdoor show of the season. And it was game on once we arrived. I have not had much of an opportunity to really go out and let loose since being home. I have relaxed at times for sure but on Friday I was throwing ‘em back and tearing down the dance floor! Yesssss. Upon leaving Baxter drove us back to Trustus so I could pick up the script, Sealed for Freshness I left there(more to come on this shortly). We some how (not surprised though) ended up jumping up on soap box 2010. We just let it all go. EG, B. and I (mainly me) got a whole bunch of frustration off our chests. I don’t remember a lot about what we talked about but all I know is at one point I was crying (good grief) and at another we were playing hide the inappropriately creepy McDonald’s happy meal toy.
Needless to say it was amazing.

Well I apparently was inspired by this recent rant and rave session and continued it when I got home….on the computer…NOT A GOOD IDEA. But not terrible either. I sent an email I probably should have sent a long time ago and defriended a bunch of people off of fbook that should have GONE a long time ago. Not really out of hatred but seriously it is silly when you see someone you are friends with on The Social Network in real life and don’t speak to them. So if you were one of those, or it in general took me longer than 5/10 seconds to figure out who you are DONE and DONE. Some innocents got caught in the crossfire and I had to send a couple of really embarrassing texts the next day asking to pardon the deletion and refriending! Oh Friday night….he like my friend PK said “Sometimes you just gotta let loose!” So I did, and I am. See I know I have a lot of stress built up because I can FEEL the manifestation of it in my back. From my shoulder blades up my neck it feels like I am Tik Tok from Return to Oz(best/creepiest movie ever) and someone is just turning a notch in my back…tighter and tighter. I am so wound up I am going to pop at any moment. I am counting down the days till I can afford to go get a massage…I wish (sings tune from favorite musical Into the Woods.

So I made some decisions on Friday night. I let some people go and we shall see how well that fairs. I am not good at letting people go especially when I care for them…it is the DOG in me….loyal to a fault. We all need to cut ties, even if they are just emotional ties, or maybe even mental ties…the ones that have lost all real emotion and it is now just a mental habit. Like when someone’s name is more than the sum of all their parts. There are a couple of people where if their name shows up anywhere, email, phone, fbook or where-have-you my, my blood pressure rises. Some not as bad as others but I am sure most of you know what I am talking about. If not I can’t really explain it. And the thing is most of those people don’t deserve that reaction from me. I am not saying they are bad people (weeeellll…) but I am saying there is no reason in my current life. They are in the past and will forever remain there and so I shall try now to let them go. Too bad though, in some cases!

But enough of that already. It was a beautiful day on Saturday. I worked all day then had a show that night. Went to Yesterdays, a local late-night post-theatrical excursion hangout. Then home again home again.

I did something super cool on Sunday morning but I can’t tell you about it yet. I will soon, though! It will be included in my post about my art. I have purchased or been given some amazing pieces over the years and want to put them on here so you can see what amazingness is on my walls that brightens my heart everyday!

As for Sunday night I went and audition for the show I mentioned earlier Sealed for Freshness. I haven’t auditioned for anything in a while so it felt good to “stretch the muscle” as EG says and I agree. The show is set in the ‘60s and is a Tupperware party. There are 5 women and one man (who is only briefly seen in the beginning and end). The great thing about this show is that it is such a good character piece for women. I auditioned for two roles and am not sure about the outcome yet, I will keep you posted for sure! It was just a nice audition to go to with all these extremely talented women around. Got a good girl vibe going from it!

So it is Monday and I am coming off a weekend that seems to have barely happened at all. I was so busy! I am working both jobs today on this rainy day but have the night off and I already know what I am going to do….NOTHING! Oh I am going to curl up and read a book in bed. Maybe I will try to have a phone call with a friend who doesn’t live here. That is always a nice thing to do on a night off.

I know this post is lacking pictures but I will make sure to make up for it in the future!

For those of you reading along I hope you have the opportunity to let loose whether it is on the dance floor or by reexamining some of those ties that might not be pulling your heart and mind in the right direction!

Until tomorrow here is a butterfly outside of Trustus that I watched flitter around for a full 10 minutes before walking inside to the dark theatre.

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