Thursday, October 7, 2010

Is it me?

Last night I had a magical experience! The rehearsal process for Reasons to be Pretty has been very unique to me...not because I am unfamiliar with stage managing-child please- but because in one scene there is a bad. We used a mattress on the first night of rehearsals and it has yet to be used again, thus from day two I posted myself on that mattress and have done all of my watching, interpreting and note taking from the most comfortable of spots. Now to see if I can somehow get that mattress up into my booth for the run of the show!

After the delights of rehearsal we skipped over to Paul's house, one of my favorite places in this entire city. It is eclectically decorated, EG and I mused that this house makes us want to curl up with a blanket and read classic literature while sipping green tea till dusk when we would inevitably switch to red wine. Paul is a pusher and into hotness and what was hot last night was a sparkling Shiraz, cheeses from around the world dehydrated mangoes (he done did it himself) which complement the cheese so well, and sips of strawberry vodka. The gathering was a bit of a surprise as I thought we were just going over there for a post-rehearsal catch up, but what a joy to have been surprised with a wonderful group. We buzzed to the low lighting and talked of such glorious things. Personal favorite TO put out is disapproval of society forcing individuals to wake up early. Why, if you hold a job, do you have to get up so early in the morning? Some people just AREN'T morning people! I am totally picking up what he is putting down, I mean I love waking up in the morning and am usually extremely perky but I know so many people, who really blossom in the evenings and would be most productive if they could perform their respective duties then. But alas, we are forced into an early to rise working system. But being the early bird that I am sometimes it is just wonderful to put on my night-owl shoes and step out for a bit!

Because it was nearly mid-night (aack ;) by the time EG dropped me off last night we opted out of the 5:30 a.m. and will pick up tomorrow morning for a bit of body pump...gah I love lifting weights, makes me feel like such a badass! So after finally getting up today (I have solved my sleeping problem, for 10 years I was sleeping with my down comforter but I left it in China bc of lack of luggage room :( anyway I found a spare and have adorned my bed with it and shall now usher in the nights of peaceful sleep!) I made myself a cup of coffee; I tell you what this pod of coffee thing has had about enough of a ride in my life. I am determined to find a spare French press and grinder (my parent's house is like a treasure trove of stuff). Had an English muffin with all natural peanut butter and a banana cut up on it! YUMM! Then I put on my walking shoes for a stroll around this beautiful neighborhood!

It is truly a wonderful city. The yards, the crisp air, the flowers, birds and butterflies. You will find none of these things in the cities of China. I spent a year without seeing a front yard; years ago all the birds of Xi'an had been exported because they were believed to carry disease, so to this day they haven't really returned. There is NO crisp air, the air is tainted with smog and congestion, and there were days when I couldn't see the buildings across the street. It would slowly roll in and take over and you wouldn't even realize until your head was pounding because you were breathing in waste. There are flowers of course because China does a great job of creating beauty where it naturally lacks. Sometimes it is hit or miss- they put up Christmas lights then I think they liked how they looked so they kept them up all year- or you might walk into a park and find a menagerie of tulips and peonies (the national flower). This was always a surprise because you step off a street that is usually dirty and mucky and the trees are brown with dust and then this park is filled with greenery, trees bushes and flowers. But don't look too closely ;)

Butterflies, oh the butterflies. Now is it me or were there no butterflies in Xi'an? This is a question I want to ask my dear friend David, who I think needs to be referred to now as DFD. Since returning to the states I have noticed butterflies everywhere. When the ADG went to Sullivan's I could have sworn butterflies were taking over. Now they are everywhere and I couldn't be happier. It must have been that there weren't any, or not an abundance of them, where I was in China. I mean I am SURE that the beautiful countryside of CN has butterflies but there is definitely a void in the cities! But here I am in the glorious South, seeing these natural pieces of art flying around everywhere and I am pleased. I have also become obsessed with the sky. I mean a year of brown and gray is enough to make someone stop and stare at the mural that is painted up above on a daily basis!

So anywho I am home again, have secured some props for RtbP made myself a salad with spring mix and baby spinach with diced onions and celery with a dash of crasins and sliced almonds. Topped it with a bit of balsamic vinaigrette and some medium spiced salsa. Whoa good! I am on my second cup of coffee but not even sure I can make it all the way through. It is a disappointment, so I think I will switch and have a brew. Some green tea to go!

I will leave you now to do my daily chores, folding laundry and doing dishes, before I go off to babysit some really cool kids. I am so thankful to have the things in my life and that includes dirty laundry ;)

On my last note though I must ask, do you believe in signs? I mean I borrowed a ball from work to be a prop and the toy company's logo on the back of this tiny pink bouncy ball is from Sumner, Washington. I am still pondering that one BUT the one I want to put before you is this...I am being followed by goldfish! Well it started when my stepmom's goldfish died (I had nothing to do with that-thank goodness) but it died then people started posting status updates about eating goldfish crackers then Jen at work brings goldfish snack and likes to eat the one's that have the smile on them, THEN last night at P's he had goldfish in a glass goldfish holder...COME ON NOW! Is it just me? What to take from this...maybe I will buy my SM a new goldfish!

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