Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's All Happening!

Today is Tuesday, just needed a quick reminder so I can figure out what my schedule is…I love that it changes daily!! EG and I walked this a.m. as usual, then instead of coming home and consuming extreme amounts of coffee while writing I needed to go straight into the getting ready for my day schedule, have no fear I had time to down a cup of coffee! My life is in a sort of disarray right now. Because I am so busy, I leave my house some time between 8-9 a.m. and don’t get home until around midnight leaving me with no time to organize myself. I hate it to, coming home with my clean clothes strewn across my room and I sure don’t have time for ironing in the morning so I literally am limited to clean/wrinkle free alternatives which is usually just the group that was lucky enough to get my extra second of attention to spread them out flatly instead of just balling them up! Ha, anyway, my life will slow down and I will get everything back together. I am so excited because I am moving in with one of my oldest friends. It will hopefully be a great match. I miss cooking and can’t wait to get back to making a little space for myself….a home that when returning to it I can feel truly comfortable. More on this as it gets into full swing.

So this morning started my new carpooling regime with my friend Kent, one of the founding members of the ADG and husband to co-founder and all around great gal Lydia! As you might know I do not have a car. I have been looking into the bus system and will most likely use it to get to some of my many jobs but when I went on the city’s Web site the had misspelled EDUCATION which was a bit disconcerting. Well one day I was reading an email from K and the tag line had his work address, then it dawned on me….OH YEAH K totally works on the same street as me. So there we go, I will provide monetary compensation and he will pick me up in the mornings. He does have to be at work a full hour before I do but I am going to use this time to do exactly what I am doing now, writing and drinking offensive amounts of coffee!

I am sitting in the little cafeteria on the ground floor of the building where I work. Because this is my inaugural morning I thought I would treat myself to a little treat, so I guiltily-free bought a sausage egg and cheese on wheat sandwich, banana and coffee
I know it looks bad but it was sooo good!

I have a thing for office supplies and today at work they reinstalled my company email, gave me a computer and let me run wild in the supply closet. Not sure if they knew what they were getting into rehiring me. My energy spazz level has tripled, if that is at all possible, since the last time I work here! I know one thing I am going to have to work hard to avoid is the neck and upper back/shoulder issues that come from working at a computer. Luckily I can get up and walk around/ dance around in other people’s offices. I love a company that allows music to play; I think it can be very productive. It definitely lifts spirits when a great song comes on and BAM you are doing a little dance at your desk with a smile on you face….joy!

One thing that is great about the company that work for is that the Assistant Exec. Direc. is on the board of a local pet center and she is a foster parent for strays so she is regularly bringing pets into the office! I had the pleasure to hang out with this guy yesterday
Seriously it doesn’t get much cuter than that.

That reminds me, I had a cat before I went to China. Her name was Beatrix, she is black ninja kitty so her name was appropriate…can you name the fictional badass who is her namesake? I gave the cat to my ex’s little sister. I was pretty close with the family so I know they are taking the best care of her. I doubt I will get her back; I can’t afford her the life of leisure that she is use to now!

**I need to make a not that the keyboard I am currently using is so old that the letters have all been worn away so there are some serious misspellings going on here. They will most likely get caught in spell check k but if not have yourself a nice little chuckle!

So the show I am working on opens this week which means next week starts the EG&SMB for a better life program. In that we are going to kick our morning walk up and mix it up with some weightlifting, spinning and boot camp. I am sore already just thinking about it. Since I am moving too I am going to use it as an opportunity to cook and keep better, healthier foods for myself. I am following Maddie’s blog daily and getting more and more inspiration. That girl needs to start a cookbook! Until I get a juicer I am trying to find good Green Juice alternatives. I tried this
It sounds almost too good to be true, but it was delicious!

I read some forums and opinions are mixed on the subject of pure juices being good substitutions for the actual fruit, so I will keep these things in mind when going about my new routine! I am also going to start following some more nutritional Web sites so if you know of any you like let me know. Hey I might even register for a nutrition class! Why not!

Last night when I was standing on my beloved Saluda St. I realized that whenever we are slow and it is near closing time I always walk directly out the front door of the toy shop and hang on the lamppost. It occurred to me that I love lamp posts. I think it goes all the way back to my childhood when I was absolutely obsessed with The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. I mean I don’t know how many times I went to my grandma’s house and climbed into her antique dresser. I would imagine that the dresses and fur coats were trees and that at any moment I would come upon THE lamp post and meet Mr. Tumns! Oh the glory of youth, I miss the make believe. Although as an adult I still do that. I am the most daydreaming-est person ever. I will have little mini dreams where the things I would love to have happen, actually do. This usually involves a love interest surprising me and telling me that he loves and can’t live without me….anyway, that is how I keep the make believe alive. As an adult though sometimes the daydreams aren’t always pleasant. Once you have experienced trauma and loss those morbid thoughts and images can sometimes take over you thoughts. It is OK I don’t let them freak me out too much because I think that it can be good practice. I mean when tragedy does happen I might be a little more prepared to handle it because I have thought about it, readied myself. I don’t know if that is cynical, I think it is realistic!

Anywho I love lampposts and I can regularly be found here, under this one on that treasured Saluda St.

Well play on playas and I will holler at you tomorrow!

I am off to go make believe! I hope at some point today you can take a second and really get lost in a daydream (preferably when you are not driving) but just relax your eyes and let you mind and heart dance and flourish if just for a minute. You might be surprised by what you create!


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