Thursday, November 11, 2010

LOVE and stuff!

Before I start this thing off right I want to throw a little something your way:
How about a little LOVE on a Thursday morning! This is my friend MRJ ring and she is letting me wear it for a while. (And by letting I mean I ganked that junk)
But today is Veterans Day so I am also sending this love out to all those that served, are serving or will serve. You are heroes, and brave beyond what anyone can truly imagine!

And now it is time for the show…

Yoooooooooooooooo! Today is totally one of those days, and what I mean by that is my head is somewhere else. I feel like a Pisces! I don’t mean anything negative by that, my best friend is a Pisces, what I mean is one of the delightful, but sometimes troubling, characteristics of this sign is forgetfulness. I call it living in the clouds, a perpetual dream land. I am kind of having one of those today in that I have forgotten stuff dropped stuff misplaced stuff all morning and it is only 8:30. It is going to be a long day. I have an excuse though; I am still getting over a head cold. I used a Netti Pot for the first time this morning, darn I should’ve taken a picture of it, and it has my face feeling all kinds of weird.

It is great really a nice holistic, natural, way to clean out your nose/sinus area. My friends swear by it! You just mix a little saline solution with warm water in this nifty little tea pot type deal and well honestly stuff it up your nose. Before you even know it you are rinsing out your face. I am all about the face so why not give it a good cleaning every now and again. I just wish I had one while I was in China, I am sure they do I just never found one, because the pollution that tainted my nostril was evil! Well with the Npot and the other all natural meds I am taking like this little packet of JOY:
EMERGEN-C What???!!!!!

I am going to get back on the full force wellness train before you know it! Which is a good thing because next week is going to be a jam-packed week of good times. I am going to go see a lot of theatre I hope, support the arts whoop! I am going to spend lots of time with friends, yeaaaaa!! And I am going to get stuff done…gah what a week! I can’t believe it is already hard into November. I am already trying to figure out what to do for NYE. I know I am going to stay in town for Thanksgiving, which will be great because I am pretty sure a LOT of people are coming into town that I am going to want to see…and ring their necks with hugs!

Christmas is still kind of up-in-the-air. I mean my parents totally teased me with a trip to Grove Park Inn in Asheville but that has been derailed! Boo! But hey I am just thankful that they are factoring me in on holiday plans at all. I mean they always do! Last year they flew to China to see me on Christmas; it doesn’t get much more factored in than that!

But NYE, I love New Year’s Eve. It has the possibility of AWESOMENESS, which means it also has the possibility of let down. Too much anticipation can be a bad thing…but I am not going to think about it that way! I am just going to be thankful for whatever it is that I do, and whomever I am with I will enjoy myself! Although I really hope it is super fun!!! What are you doing? I really wish I could spend NYE with my good buddy DCW but it is doubtful, him being up in Boston and all that. It will be weird without my Lindsay, my adorable roommate from China, but she lives in England. Oh how great would it be to fly over to England for NYE? Right after I win the lottery ;)

So anywho I am making plans. I enjoy making plans. You know what I also enjoy breakfast. And I get a yummy breakfast sandwich ever now and again from this little quaint cafeteria on the first floor of my building.
Some mornings, some special early mornings, the woman is baking fresh chocolate chip cookies to sell for the next couple of days. Today was one of those glorious days. The whole lobby of my building smells like warm surgery sweetness, and for that I thank her, and tip her kindly!

Tonight begins closing weekend for my show. I am not doubt going to get emotional…well honestly there isn’t much that doesn’t make me emotional, but this show will really be a sad one to close. I am going to miss the music and the lights, the actors exploring different choices each night. I am really going to miss the backstage entertainment in my life. But you know I have made a new little set of friends since this show began and for that I am extremely pleased. I think I will keep them!

I am nervous about the Gamecock football game this weekend and am almost glad that I won’t be able to watch it! We are gonna do it though, we are going to take the EAST!

A little addendum to yesterday, I never did get the TV working so I sat in front of the computer with two chairs creating sort of a lounge couch type deal, snuggled under my down comforter all day. I had some delicious soup for lunch and some shrimp and grits (YES) for dinner. I watched 5 episodes of Glee on HULU and completely freaked out and now I am going to have to HUNT down season 1 and watch them ALLLLLL. (I told you sometimes I freak out and go crazy on TV on DVD!)

I am going to get to it now, and by it I mean the work they pay me for!

But I want to leave you with this picture. It is one that my sister-in-law Tracy framed and gave to me one Christmas:
It just might be my favorite picture of all times.

There you see my brother smiling and staring out of frame, I know in my heart-of-hearts that he is smiling at my Nanny. He and my grandmother were best friends. Then there is me in the middle, what a mug. Oh my look at that face, I still make that face I am sure! But oh the true glory of this picture is on my left, no it isn’t the cake or the laughter, but it is my mother. In all her beauty. She is absolutely radiant and this is how I remember her. She had a smile that would knock your socks off and a wit that would slap you in the face. I miss her ever day for she was my best friend. I look at this picture every day and I smile and smile and smile! To see my brother’s laughter, my chagrin and my mother’s smile is a treasure. One that was captured here thankfully because it is a moment never to be regained but forever remembered!


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