Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cold Feet…literally!

Before I started typing this I said I need a blanket and a snack…done and done! I found a spare down comforter in my parent’s guest bedroom. My parent’s guest bedroom I hear you say…I thought you weren’t living with your parents. Have no fear; although I have recently had some minor financial setbacks I have not moved back home. I am sick, well I am not full-fledged under the weather…I am kind of coasting along side the sickness. And having the day off I figured the best way to try and prevent this from becoming a debilitating cold would be to have some serious rest and relaxation, and tons of food!

What better place to do that than your parent’s house? No where I tell you, no where. My dad and I might not see eye-to-eye on many things when it comes to family and well those pesky things like emotions and feelings but I tell you what, if I call him and tell him I am sick he goes into automatic dad mode. He picked me up and brought me over here. Yessss, I double checked to make sure that all the food in the house was available for eating…hey we have food reserves especially when it comes to leftovers. I hunkered down with the boxes of medicine that he bought for me, ah bless, and have been enjoying my day of hibernation.

Now let me tell you. I am not one for TV. I mean I LOVE TV…I really do but when I went to boarding school in high school we weren’t allowed to watch it on week nights, so I just fell out of the habit. Ever since then I haven’t really lived in a place that has regular access to cable. I never felt like it was worth paying for so I never had it at home. I find that when I do have it sucks me in and makes me lazy…I will watch it for HOURS and not do anything else. SO I usually just stick to movies. I will watch one every now and again. Sometimes I will get on a TV on DVD kick and go all out, like on West Wing and The Wire. But in general TV is not a big part of my life. HOWEVER, when I am sick there is really nothing more that I want than to lie in a comfy bed or on a comfy couch and watch TV. I love when there are good girlie movies on TV, or trashy television…or even better when the History Channel has a documentary about creepy stuff…I LOVE IT.

Unfortunately I am not very techno savvy with all these fancy button pushing remote having TV these days. Hell I have had my iPhone for almost 2 months and I still have barely any idea of how to use it! So after I successfully turned the TV on, in my parent’s family room, I pressed what I thought was the button to change the channel. Well FAIL is what the TV decided to do after that moment. That was 4 hours ago…I have yet to fix it. So I decided that I will watch a movie instead…well I can’t get the freaking DVD player to open….it is ON but won’t open…really…so I thought OK I will just watch it on the computer. Well put me in front of a computer and the last thing I am going to do is watch a movie…navigate all the methods of social media for hours, yes, pull myself away for two hours to watch a movie, probably not.

But I am going to type this and then watch some movies. I mean look at my set up:
That creepy Alice in Wonderland looks amazing. Which will be followed by an even creepier cartoon version of The World of Hans Christian Anderson. Other options include a digitally remasterd version of George C. Scott’s Jane Eyre or Elizabeth Taylor in The last Time I saw Paris. (There is a NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD possibility too)
My step mom finds these $1 movies and buys them in bulk…love it! Many of these will appear in this year’s Christmas stocking too!

In case you are wondering this is what I am snacking on:
Yum, all natural peanut butter with saltines and some pineapple with the juice separated to sip on…protein and vit. C do your magic!!

So let’s see, yesterday was taco night. Yumm as usual. I was totally spaced out the whole time:
Don’t be fooled by the dim lighting and the cool hat, I was in cold medicine lala land.
I would have just gone home and gone to bed after work but I had dialect rehearsal so I figured tacos would be a nice dinner. I had some spicy salsa to help open up my nose and stuff. Besides there are always a host of good-looking guys at The Whig, especially that one…oooh he is good looking. Hey I am single and I enjoy a good looking guy! There is no harm in that ;)

After that I went over to the Workshop rehearsal space which is just unfortunately located. I mean I think it is kind of neat but it is in such a bizarre location. It is literally under the I-26 overpass that heads out of town towards Harbison. It is the last stop on Elmwood right before a big cemetery. I mean I love creepy stuff so I think it is cool but it is in such a weird place. That is neither here nor there…well I guess it is there but oh nevermind!

We were having dialect rehearsal so we ladies gathered around and listened to some Midwestern dialect coaching. I think it is so much fun! I am going to just annoy the pants off of all my friends and coworkers. My character is from Steamboat Rock, Iowa so I get to play a little more with the dialect than the other women…yay! Fun!

Well that is about all she wrote for today. I am in the process of having my two tattoos on my back connected so it is going to be a big old wonderful piece of art on my back. I am super excited about it. As of right now I have a Tree of Life on my lower back and a butterfly on my right shoulder…we are going to connect them to make one flowing picture. I will post pics when I can get someone to take them for me.

Well I am going to get back to my get well plan, eat some more delicious food (food in someone else’s house is always yummier) and watch the creepy $1 Alice in Wonderland.

You guys are the best! I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday and try and keep away the colds!!



  1. wait a second, i'm taking issue with paragraph 3, sentence 3.

    WHAT ABOUT THE FREE CABLE WE MYSTERIOUSLY HAD ACCESS TO AT DEVEREAUX? we feel asleep on that sofa many a night to the sweet sounds of L&O reruns.

    also, i think we had cable at maple until nick did something. remember i narrowly escaped getting busted by the time warner guy?

  2. Hahahah well there have been occasions in which I had cable, mysterious free cable that never lasted very long!!!!
