Monday, January 14, 2013

Don't cry for me Willy Wonka.

So I just wanted to take a moment to put some things down in writing!

It is January 2013, which is absolutely crazballs.

I cried like a baby yesterday and it felt good. I was so exhausted from an entire week of Willy Wonka, if you have never worked with a group of children then you have absolutely NO idea how tiring it is. We give teachers a hard time, which is wrong on so many levels, but the majority of people have no clue what how emotionally and physically exhausting it is to have to split your focus on 30+ little balls of energy. Because kids are takers, they take and take and take and take and you know what they always want more need more take more. It is the brilliance of kids, they are sponges. It is weird to think about, we will chastise you for taking too much when you are an adult but at the same time tell you to keep your inner child! Isn't your inner child a taker. Hmm. I am a giver, in romantic relationships it becomes a problem, but I think that is why I am good with kids. I love it, going in and giving all I have so that when they leave me they are a little more full than they were when I got there! But those little fast metabolizing taker will be back in full force next time I see them, and I will be ready....HOWEVER, 5 days and 4 performances left me completely out of my own lifer force and I was crying to some song on the radio as I drove back from the Harbison Theatre. Do you ever do that, just cry because you are so tired and hungry and you just want your mommy?

So I came home and ate and slept and now I am recharged and ready to take on the day. I will have two full weeks off from my kids but that doesn't mean this week is any slower. When your best friend is getting married in 6 days you have lots to think about. I need to come up with a speech (and by come up with I mean edit down and take out inappropriate references). It is a lot of work to not plunge into a pity party realizing that I am officially the only one of my group of friends not married. Shit I am not even dating anyone, no one not even a prospect. That I am ok with though. In my mind right now boys suck and I will throw rocks at them. But that is a whole other post.

So all this up and down of emotions made me realize I need to put some things down in writing to remind myself how unbelievably lucky I am:

I had the opportunity to work with amazing kids and direct an adorable show.

I am in good health, and am in the process of making life changes to make that GREAT health.

I have 2 adorable cats.

I have a car and a home and money in my account and food in my fridge.

I woke up this morning.

My best friend is getting married and I get to share that with her.

My brother is going to have a daughter in a little over a month.

My boss is like a best friend and I get to work with her every day.

My family is supportive.

There is music in the world, and art and love.

So all that being said, even with all the things that could be, I think I have it pretty good with what is!

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